Project reference


Contract duration

 2014 - 2016






 Education, Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring, assessment and support to EU funded Education and complementary programs by the Ministry of Education, UN Agencies and NGOs.

The focus was on the monitoring of progress, the quality and the results of interventions in the context of an evolving cooperation policy with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches. Evaluations provided an understanding of the cause and effects links between activities and results and in this case in particular the effectiveness and efficiency of the EU intervention in the basic education system in Jordan under the EU Support to the Second Phase of the Education Reform programme and in particular in relation to the support to the Syrian refuges in the field of education by both the Ministry of Education and the UN agencies and their partners.
The main objectives of the Framework Contract were:
  • To provide an overall independent assessment of the European Union's past and current cooperation under the EU Support to the Second Phase of the Education Reform (EUSSPER) programme in Jordan in the field of basic education under the ERfKEII program, in particular the assessment of the completion of agreed benchmarks as well as newly planned EU budget Support programs in the field of Basic Education
  • To monitor the education programs in support to Syrian refugees under the Ministry of Education and UN agencies in terms of overall and administrative efficiency to Syrian refugees provided for by the Ministry of Education and by the UN agencies and their sub-contracted NGOs, which will take the form of a field verification;
  • The monitoring led to recommendations for the future cooperation programing in the field of education (bilateral, regional and thematic) with Jordan and improvement of the current and future European Union's implementation strategies for (Syrian) refugees as well as suggestions to strengthen the visibility of the interventions
  • To develop a strategy for the ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education in the field of the Vocational Education and Training
  • To develop recommendations for the teacher induction program
The specific objectives were:
  • to contribute to the assessment and monitoring of the education sector in Jordan with especial attention to the supervision missions and mid-term evaluation of ERfKE II through the assessment of benchmarks under Budget Support, as well as -tentative- the newly planned EU budget Support programs in the field of Basic Education
  • to assess and monitor the implementation of the programme in Support to the Second Phase of the Education reform and their performance to date for disbursement purposes, including the building and refurbishment of schools;
  • to asses and monitor the impact as well as the administrative efficiency of the education support to the Syrian refugees through a budget support program to the Ministry of Education (MOE) with the assistance of field verification;
  • to assess and monitor the impact as well as the administrative efficiency of the education support to the Syrian refugees through support programs to UN agencies with the assistance of field verification;
  • to assess the capacity to align the services between MOE and UN agencies for the delivery of education services to Syrian refugees as well as formulate areas for improvement and further development;
  • to support the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education in developing a strategy on the reform of the vocational education and training sector
  • to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Teacher Induction Program
  • to provide recommendations for future interventions.


 PROMAN (Lead), GOPA PACE (ex B&S Europe SA), Particip