Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2021




 Monitoring & Evaluation

Framework Contract COM 2015 Lot 1: Evaluation

This Framework Contract supported the European Commission in conducting evaluations in the area of international cooperation and development relations. One of its key objectives was to ensure that lessons learned and results from EU cooperation strategies and their implementation are accessible to EU services and relevant stakeholders, thereby enhancing decision-making. The evaluations focussed on ‘strategic evaluation’ at various levels, including Country, Regional, Thematic, Sectoral, Instrument, or Modality. The scope was global, encompassing all EU external actions (including non-spending activities such as policy dialogue) related to the portfolios managed by DG INTPA (formerly DEVCO) and DG NEAR.
Evaluations were carried out through individual assignments defined and contracted through ‘Specific Contracts’. The consortium lead, Particip, ensured overall Quality and Contract management.
Evaluations implemented by the Particip-led consortium include:
  • Evaluation of EU Budget Support and Blending in the Kyrgyz Republic 2010-2019
  • Mid-term evaluation of cross border cooperation programmes between IPA II beneficiaries
  • Evaluation of the EU cooperation with Central African Republic (2008-2019)
  • Evaluation of the EU's external action support in the area of gender equality and women's and girls' empowerment (2010-2018)
  • Evaluation of the European Union's cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (2014-2020)
  • External Evaluation of EU’s Support to Conflict Prevention and Peace Building (2013-2018)
  • Evaluation of the EU's external action support in the area of migration (2008-2018)
  • Evaluation of EU support to local authorities in Enlargement and Neighbourhood regions (2010-2018)
  • Evaluation of EU Support for Rule of Law in Neighbourhood Countries and Candidates and Potential Candidates of Enlargement in the period 2010-2017
  • Evaluation of Spain and the European Union's cooperation with Nicaragua (2009-2017)
  • Evaluation of the European Union’s Regional Level Cooperation with Latin America (2009-2017)
  • Chapeau Contract for the Evaluation of the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR)
  • Evaluation of the Development Co-operation Instrument (DCI)
  • Evaluation of Greenland Decision (GD)
  • Coherence Report on the External Financial Instruments and Co-ordination
  • Evaluation of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)
  • Evaluation of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)
  • Evaluation of European Union's Budget Support operations in Peru (2009-2016)
  • Evaluation of regional organisations in the Western Balkans


 Particip (Lead), ECDPM, Ecorys B.V., Fiscus, itad, OPM