Project reference


Contract duration

 2014 - 2016






 Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Mauritius, Peru, South Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine, Viet Nam


 Agriculture, Environment, Food and nutrition, Health, Institutional development, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of the EU support to research and innovation for development in partner countries (2007-2013)

The purpose of the evaluation was to assess to what extent the EU assistance had been relevant, efficient, effective and sustainable in providing the expected impacts regarding Research and Innovation for development. In addition, the evaluation assessed the policy coherence of the EU interventions, and their visibility.
The evaluation was forward looking, providing lessons and recommendations in particular as regards the support of Research and Innovation in:
  • Food Security, Nutrition and Agriculture;
  • Health;
  • Environment and Climate change;
  • Science, Information Society and Space.
The evaluation provided an overall judgement of the extent to which the EU development co-operation policy had had a strategic approach in supporting Research and Innovation in these sectors over the period 2007-2013 and whether the approach had been appropriate to enhance capacity to reach development objectives in the aforementioned fields.
The main objectives of the evaluation were:
  • to provide the relevant external co-operation services of the EU and the wider public with an independent assessment of the support provided to Research and Innovation for development over the period 2007-2013;
  • to identify key lessons and forward-looking recommendations.
The evaluation was conducted in four phases:
  • a structuring phase focusing on the design and the methodology of the evaluation including the reconstruction of the intervention logic of EC support to research and innovation for development and the compilation of a comprehensive inventory/mapping incl. monetary flow of all relevant research and innovation related activities between 2007 and 2013;
  • a desk phase with a document review, structured/unstructured interviews, and a web-based survey of EU delegations;
  • a field phase with field visits to 10 different countries;
  • a synthesis phase producing a final report and dissemination of results to concerned stakeholder.
The report is available at:


 Particip (Lead), ECDPM, Ecorys B.V.