Framework Contract Beneficiaries 2013: Lot 7 Governance and Home Affairs
The objective of the FWC was to provide, via individual assignments defined and contracted through Specific Contracts, short-term technical assistance which can be mobilised at very short notice (normally within about 3 weeks).
The beneficiaries of the short-term technical assistance available via this Framework Contract (FWC) are exclusively third countries benefiting from the Commission’s External aid programmes. The FWC had no overall contractual amount or maximum budget. The implementation duration (not exceeding two years) and the contractual amount (not exceeding € 300,000) were fixed for each individual assignment. These maxima included the possible addenda.
The various assignments were financed from the different budget lines for external aid (the European Communities general budget) and the European Development Fund (EDF).
Implemented missions:
- 06.03.2014 - ongoing: Botswana; Preparation of the 11th EDF SADC programme in the field of Regional Political Cooperation, Budget: €183,443
- 02.04.2014 - ongoing: Cameroon; Evaluation à mi parcour du PASC, Budget: €52,713
- 24.03.2014-ongoing: Niger; Mid-term evaluation of the support programme to civil society (PASOC) II in Niger, Budget: €64,500
- 22.04.2014-ongoing: Uganda; Identification of 11th EDF good governance pillar, Budget: 158,280
- 14.04.2014-ongoing: Azerbaijan; Study on Azerbaijani-Georgian project for 'Implementation of Infrastructure at the 'Red Bridge' Crossing Point', Budget: €55,000
- 22.04.2014-ongoing: Pakistan; Appraisal of EU electoral interventions 2009-2013 to feed into EU ongoing federal and provincial parliamentary programmes, Budget: €99,928
- 09.06.2014-ongoing: Malawi; Mid Term Evaluation of the Democratic Governance Programme in Malawi, Budget: €90,000
- 20.05.2014-ongoing: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Corruption risk assessment in the education and health sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Budget: €93,990
- 13.05.2014-ongoing: Mauritania; Election Expert Mission to Mauritania 2014, Budget: €217,898
- 22.06.2014-ongoing: Nigeria; Mid-term Evaluation of the programme Support to the Office of NAO II FED/2010/021-980, Budget: €93,998
- 30.05.2014-ongoing: South Africa; Review of Technical Assistance Models in South Africa, Budget €121,595
- 23.06.2014-ongoing: South Africa; Technical Assistance to Strengthening the e-Learning of the National School of Government, Budget: €108,200
- 01.06.2014-ongoing: Mauritania; Evaluation of the "Program implementation of the 10th EDF (PAMO EDF 10) and instructions for a new program", Budget: €115,000
- 15.08.2014-ongoing: Haiti; Sectoral state of affairs and formulation of component 'Institutional Support' - part II the "Support Programme for Reconstruction and Development of Neighborhoods", Budget: €74,625
- 01.09.2014-ongoing: Armenia; Review of the Sector Support Programme for Support to Justice Reform in Armenia 'Phase II' Project, Budget: €161,992
Particip (Lead), ADE, Cardno UK, DiHR, DW, ECDPM, Epes Mandala, EPRD, EuroPlus, GOPA, JCP SRL