Project reference


Contract duration

 2024 - 2025





Consultancy services to support the protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems (Emerald Network) in Ukraine

The regional EU4Environment programme aims at helping the EU’s Eastern partner countries (EaP) preserve their natural capital and increase people's well-being. This is done by supporting environment-related action, unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts. The programme is implemented through (i) country-specific work tailored to the needs and commitments of each partner country and (ii) regional cooperation. Bilateral commitments, the commitments assumed within the Eastern Partnership framework, and alignment with the EU environmental legislation and, lately, the European Green Deal, are guiding programme implementation. In June 2022, Ukraine and Moldova have both been granted EU candidate status. Simultaneously, Georgia was given a European perspective. Policy and regulatory reforms are needed for these countries to become fully aligned with EU legislation and standards. Programme activities also consider and contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, as well as relevant multilateral environmental agreements. It also contributes to implementing the ambitious global agreement reached at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Montreal, in December 2022 (the Kunming-Montreal Agreement).
Result Area 4 is implemented by the World Bank and focuses on four main components: i) support to protect biodiversity and natural ecosystems (Emerald Network); ii) promoting sustainable natural resources management, economic development and participation at the local community level; iii) support to the promotion of legal trade and preventing illegal trade in wood products; and iv) enhancing strategic financing to the forest and natural resource management sectors. The objective of this assignment is to provide technical advisory support to the Government of Ukraine, to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources (MEPNR) in particular, to advance the establishment of the Emerald Network in the country.
The Consultant will provide technical assistance to relevant Ukrainian counterparts focused on developing methodological capacities for ensuring the long-term survival of species and habitats listed in the Bern Convention Resolutions. The focus of the work will be on developing methodological guidelines for assessing anthropogenic (including military) impacts and developing methodological guidelines for preparing the management plans for Emerald sites in line with European standards and best international practices.