Project reference


Contract duration







 Environment, Governance, Human rights

Identification of partner countries needs for support on ABS from, biodiversity genetic resources, including DSI aspects

The overall objective of this contract is to contribute to the implementation of the GBF and the preparation of the implementation of the BBNJ Treaty, with particular reference to the GBF Targets 13 and 15, CBD COP decision 15/9, COP-MOP decision NP-4/6 and BBNJ Articles 9 to 16, and to improving and increasing the monetary and non-monetary benefits derived by developing countries from the use of their genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as well as from the generation and use of DSI on their genetic resources and the marine genetic resources from the areas beyond national jurisdiction.
The specific objective of this contract is to inform EU options for supporting the development of capacities of developing countries, including the least developed countries and small islands developing States, in regards to ABS schemes on genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and/or the access, as well as the generation and use of DSI on genetic resources and ABNJ MGRs, under the framework of the future EU programmes “Capacity Development for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)”and “Global Ocean Programme”, planned for adoption in 2023 and 2024 respectively.