Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2024






 Monitoring & Evaluation

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Programme Supporting Youth in Tunisia (EU4Youth) - Extension

This project seeks to contribute to the improvement of economic, political, and social inclusion of most disadvantaged youth in Tunisia by taking a local development approach in Tunisia and more specifically in the targeted regions.
Particip's objectives include:
  • seeking to address the problems of employability, decent employment, and the creation of jobs, which are key factors in the current phenomenon of youth exclusion. To achieve this, the intervention takes these factors into account and proposes an approach by involving public, private, and associative partners, while also organising inclusive and sustainable activities.
  • capitalising on the acquisition and experience of the “Tfanen-Tunisie créative” project, which finances Tunisian cultural operators through calls for proposals and support to reinforce their action and sectoral impact. Another aim is to promote a territorial approach by fostering the emergence of collaborative local strategies for the inclusion of young people through sports and cultural practices.
  • improving the integration of young people into public policies. This integration has a dual dimension: on the one hand, the integration of specific youth issues into local public policies, and on the other, the integration of young people into associative and political life, and into public affairs in general.