Project reference


Contract duration

 2024 - 2025


(USD 413,662)




 Food and nutrition, Health, Humanitarian aid, Management, Monitoring & Evaluation

Corporate Emergency Evaluation of WFP’s Response in Yemen 2019-2024

The Corporate Emergency Evaluation (CEE) of WFP’s Response in Yemen mandated by the Office of Evaluation (OEV) served the dual objectives of accountability and learning. It provided accountability for results to WFP stakeholders, and generated evidence on WFP's performance in Yemen specifically to inform WFP's future engagement in the country and share good practices to promote broader learning on WFP's response to complex and protracted crisis.
The evaluation covered WFP strategies and interventions in Yemen between January 2019 and September 2024. While the main units of analysis of the evaluation were the ICSPs 2019-2022 and 2023-2025,the evaluation also assessed WFP's work in Yemen that was not explicitly captured in the ICSPs.
The evaluation assessed WFP contributions to CSP strategic outcomes, establishing plausible causal relations between the outputs of WFP activities, the implementation process, the operational environment, and changes observed at the outcome level, including any unintended consequences.
It will also focus on adherence to humanitarian principles, gender equality and wider equity considerations, protection and accountability to affected people.