Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2024






 Environment, Governance

Support to implementation of Covenant of Mayor East and M4EG regional projects in Azerbaijan

Task 1. Provide technical support to the CoM signatories to develop and implement SECAPs:
The project will provide support to five selected CoM signatories on the step-by-step preparation of SECAPs through seminars/webinars, on-line/face-to-face consultation, site workshops. Detailed action plan with certain milestones, phases, implementation responsibilities, and implementation timeline will be prepared for each municipality. Municipalities in Azerbaijan do not have the technical or financial capacity to implement all actions stipulated in their SECAP. The project will support pilot activities for Mingachevir municipality to show how it can effectively turn its SECAP into practical action and play active role in greening processes at local level. Lessons from these pilot projects will help other municipalities to identify possible solutions for rolling out their own SECAPs.
Task 2: Provide technical support to the M4EG signatories to develop LEDPs:
The project will provide support to ten selected M4EG signatories on the step-by-step preparation of LEDPs through seminars/webinars, on-line/face-to-face consultation, site workshops. Detailed action plan with certain milestones, phases, implementation responsibilities, and implementation timeline will be prepared for each municipality. The project also aims to disseminate amongst the signatory municipalities a successful experience in development of the LEDPs.


 Particip (Lead), CAPA EEIG (managed by Particip), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)