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 Environment, Rural and urban development

Final Evaluation of the European Union Budget Support SUSTAINABLE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN MARGINALIZED AREAS OF COLOMBIA - Phases I and II

The evaluation will take stock of all that has been achieved with the primary objective of enabling lessons learned and recommendations to inform:
  • The conditions under which the budget support has an effect (or not) and the possible intensity and nature (positive or negative) of this effect on the Environment and Sustainable Development sector.
  • The design and implementation of future budget support operations for the Environment and Sustainable Development sector.
  • The improvements that will be implemented by the European Union (or other budget support provider(s)) to maximize the impact of budget support in the sector.
  • Constraints in government policies, institutional structures and administrative arrangements in Colombia that may hinder the effectiveness of the budget support in financing specific actions and reforms and public policies.


 Particip (Lead), CAPA EEIG (managed by Particip)