Project reference


Contract duration



(39.132,95 EUR net contract value plus 6.488,82 EUR of local withholding taxes)




 Health, Monitoring & Evaluation

Joint End-Term-Review of i) UGA180371T - (EHA) Roll out the National Results Based Financing Policy in the Acholi Sub-Region and ii) UGA20003 - (LSF) Leveraging strategic health financing for Universal Health Coverage

The Joint End-Term-Review of i) EHA - Roll out the National Results Based Financing Policy in the Acholi Sub-Region and ii) LSF - Leveraging strategic health financing for Universal Health Coverage was commissioned by Enabel.
EHA and LSF aimed to contribute to Universal health coverage with focus on primary health care services in Tanzania. EHA runs from 2019 up to 2024, and covers the West Acholi region with a budget of EUR 9,7 million. LSF runs from 2021 up to 2024, and covers the West Acholi, Rwenzori and West Acholi regions with a budget of EUR 4 million.
The end-term review served the purposes of accountability (through performance assessment), and learning and steering (by explaining what works and does not work, and why, as well as through evidence-based lessons for other interventions and recommendations for decision-making). It addressed the six evaluation criteria of relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability, as well as the cross-cutting issues of gender and youth empowerment, among others.
Qualitative data were collected during a two-week field mission (including stakeholder interviews, focus group discussions with leadership and members of cooperatives, and direct observation) and in remote interviews. The review also drew on documents and existing quantitative M&E and survey data.