Project reference


Contract duration



74% of budget, 70% on days




 Civil society

Support measures for implementation of Civil Society Facility programme 2021-2023 Turkey - assessment CfP

The global objective of this assignment was to contribute to fostering a functioning, pluralistic, participatory and representative democracy and the consolidation of a resilient civil society by promoting a culture of fundamental rights and dialogue in Türkiye. As all EU funded actions, this has also contributed to promoting cross-cutting issues such as environment and climate change, rights based approach, gender equality rights of persons with disability and indigenous peoples.
The specific objective of this assignment was to assist the EU Delegation to Türkiye in assessing the concept notes (CN) submitted in the framework of the calls for proposals stemming from the following activities of the Civil Society Facility Programme 2021-2023 for Türkiye:
  • Activity 5 - Support CSOs working on human and fundamental rights (EUR 5.5 million)
  • Activity 15 - Civil Society Action towards European Green Deal (EUR 5 million)