Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2024




 Western Balkans


 Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye

Evaluation of the Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organisations in the Western Balkans and Turkey – TACSO programme

The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the performance of the TACSO programme (in its three phases), paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions.
In particular, this evaluation served:
  • To inform the implementation of the programme fourth phase, which will be implemented through an extension of the current contract (TACSO 3);
  • To inform the decision-making on the appropriateness of a potential fifth phase of the programme, to be launched with the next programming exercise (CSF 2024-2026);
  • To inform the potential programme exit strategy to ensure the sustainability of its results.
The main users of this evaluation are the relevant EU services (DG NEAR HQ and EU Delegations of the targeted region) and the implementing partners.