Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2024






 Human rights, Monitoring & Evaluation

Mid-term and final evaluation of the project 'Local Strategic Alliances for Climate Change Adaptation in the Upper Coconut River Basin (ALLACC)'.

The main objectives of the mid-term and final evaluation were to provide the relevant EU services, stakeholders and the general public with:
  • an independent overall assessment of the results of "Local Strategic Alliances for Climate Change Adaptation in the Upper Coconut River Basin (ALLACC) DCI 2017/039-205", paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against the intended objectives; and the rationale behind these results
  • main lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations to improve current interventions in order to improve management in the next stages of possible new interventions.
Mid-term evaluation: In particular, this evaluation focused on the relevance/design, efficiency, effectiveness and coherence of the project, and on the progress made to date, explaining why progress is occurring or not occurring as planned, looked at how it evolved and how it responded to ROM recommendations and make recommendations on how to improve the intervention during its residual duration in order to achieve the intended objectives, taking into account problems and opportunities.
Final evaluation: assessed the entire programme from inception to closure of activities in terms of impact, effectiveness, sustainability and accountability; it contributed to accountability by providing an assessment of the results achieved and the likelihood of impact and sustainability being achieved; it should review the integration of the mid-term evaluation recommendations. In addition, it contributed to learning by explaining the factors that have enabled or hindered the achievement of results, and by identifying any key lessons that will lead to the improvement of future interventions in the country/region/sector of operation or elsewhere. It also included recommendations for preparing new interventions and encompass both forward-looking and retrospective perspectives.