Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024




 North Macedonia


 Civil society

Technical Assistance for engaging assessors for Call for Proposals under Civil Society Facility Programme 2021-23

The objective of the assignment is assisting the European Delegation to the Republic of Macedonia in selecting the best-quality proposals (concept notes and full application) to be received in the frame of calls for proposals under the IPA Civil Society Programme 2021-2023.
The specific objective of the calls for proposals is providing a support to civil society and media organisations to contribute to the EU related sector reforms in a number of pre-defined sectors/thematic priorities based on all-inclusive consultations with civil society and other national and international stakeholders in the country.
Areas covered include:
  • Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption;
  • Gender Equality and Anti-discrimination;
  • Youth, Protection of Rights and Disability inclusion;
  • Socioeconomic development and social economy;
  • Green Agenda, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change;
  • Freedom of speech and media integrity;
  • Digital technologies;
  • European Accession - Civil Society Platforms and Networking for EU Dialogue;