Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024




 Africa (Central)



Central project evaluation of the projects “Regional support for COMIFAC” (PN 2017.2210.7) and “Support of the transboundary national park BSB Yamoussa” (PN 2017.2211.5)

The main task is to process the knowledge generated by the evaluations to precisely facilitate decision-making. The goals are:
- To improve evidence of effectiveness
The new evaluation system is intended to put GIZ in a better
position to observe long-term results and the sustainability and mainstreaming of approaches in the partner
structures. In addition, evaluations should be conducted at a time when statements about results and
sustainability are possible and appropriate, and should be designed using the appropriate methodologies
and procedures to ensure this is the case.
- To enhance credibility of evaluation findings
Increase the credibility of our evaluation findings by strengthening the independence of project evaluations. Project evaluations will accordingly be managed by and under the responsibility of the Evaluation Unit, which reports directly to the Management Board and is separated from operational business. Implementation is carried out by specialist external evaluators. Evaluations will be conducted in line with recognised national and international standards and quality criteria, and the evaluation reports will be published.
- To gear project evaluations to new challenges
Central evaluations should take into account the growing complexity of projects and implementation contexts, the increased requirements for accountability and the evaluation challenges arising from the 2030 Agenda and the Joint Procedural Reform.


 Particip (Lead), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)