Project reference


Contract duration

 2024 - 2028


We will manage a programme estimate of 4,1 mio EUR




 Civil society, Governance, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance contract for the PAIESC Programme (Programme d'Appui aux Initiatives Émergentes de la Société Civile)

Haiti is evolving in a context of institutional fragility and unstable democratic governance, aggravated by the assassination of the President in 2021 and an ongoing constitutional crisis. This context of fragility and chronic instability has led to a confusion of roles between civil society and the political class. The decay of the State and the absence of coherent public policies over the long term have forced many CSOs to fill in the gaps (substitution logics) to respond, as best they can, to the needs of the population. In this context, the role of Haitian civil society remains essential, both in advocating for public policies that improve the situation of the population, and in providing basic services and reinforcing community solidarity and a spirit of citizenship.
With PAIESC, the EU is continuing its support to civil society after the 10th and 11th EDF. The programme aims to contribute to the consolidation of democracy and civic culture in Haiti through the growing, inclusive and effective participation of emerging civil society players, particularly young people, in the country's democratic, economic and social development process. It should therefore contribute to strengthening the organisational, technical, advocacy and proposal capacities of civil society players. PAIESC will be implemented through programme estimates.
General objective
Contribute to the consolidation of democracy and civic culture in Haiti
Specific objectives
  • To provide technical assistance for the coordination, planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of PAIESC, as well as its financial and contractual management.
  • Provide the technical assistance and management, support and supervision measures required within the framework of the resources provided for in this contract, to ensure that the Programme Specification and related activities run smoothly, in particular the strengthening of the strategic, institutional and operational capacities of CSOs (in particular, NGOs), institutional and operational capacities of Haitian CSOs (including CBOs and small formal or informal associations in communities) to be responsible, informed and competent partners in economic, political and social life, and to support small communities in tackling structural problems through cascading grants to be awarded under the programme estimate


 ARKO Consulting, FOKAL