Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2028






 Monitoring & Evaluation

EU Framework Contract - Lot 16 Evaluation at Intervention Level

Under lot 16 – Evaluation at intervention level, Framework Contractors support the European Commission services (HQ and EUDs) in carrying out external and evidence-based evaluations of EU external action in partner countries and regions worldwide, and globally.
Evaluations include the following types: ex-ante, mid-term, final or ex-post. These types reflect the fact that an evaluation can take place at different stages of EU external actions and determine the principal evaluation purpose and intended use. It also includes cases in which a single evaluation covers elements with different temporal scopes and counterfactual impact evaluations.
To date, the following evaluations and assessments were implemented or are currently implemented:
  • Evaluation of ADELANTE (final / ex-post phase 1 and interim second phase)
  • Evaluation of CBRN risk mitigation interventions – IcSP
  • Djibouti: Final evaluation of the program to support the empowerment of women and the protection of the rights of women and girls (FEMFI)
  • Final evaluation of decision n°042-166 (AMCC+) “Strengthening Governance and Climate Resilience in Chad"


 Particip (Lead), ECDPM, MANCALA CONSULTORES S.L., Pluricité, Technopolis Group