Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024







Final Evaluation of the Global Climate Change Alliance - Haiti (AP3C)

In particular, this evaluation served to:
  • determine the extent to which the AP3C programme (programme to support the integration of climate change into Haiti's development) has achieved its intended results, in particular by contributing to the implementation of the national strategies of the governments concerned in the NCCP (National Climate Change Policy) and NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution), by proposing opportunities for improving the implementation of national procedures and policies;
  • pay attention to other aid modalities of the EU and other international partners (trust funds/pooled funds, projects), in order to assess the complementarity and synergy (or divergence) of these modalities with the AP3C programme;
  • assess the ownership of the project results by the Haitian authorities;
  • assess the effects of the AP3C programme on the monitoring and evaluation systems in the sectors supported by the programme;
  • assess the way in which the gender dimension has been integrated and operationalised in the project and its results;
  • take stock of what has been achieved in order to draw lessons and recommendations, and to be able to inform stakeholders o
    • the conditions under which the AP3C programme has had an effect (or not), and the possible intensity and nature (positive or negative) of this effect in Haiti in the environmental sector and more specifically in the fight against climate change;
    • the design and implementation of future budget support operations in Haiti in the environmental sector and more specifically in the fight against climate change;
    • improvements that the EU (or other international partners) should make to maximise the impact of AP3C measures in Haiti in the environmental sector and in particular in the fight against climate change;
    • any limitations arising from public policies, institutional structures and administrative arrangements in Haiti that may hinder/have hindered the effectiveness of budget support on expenditure, or on the targeted public policies and reforms;
  • and the extent to which the AP3C programme has mainstreamed gender in the implementation of the programme and what recommendations would be made to other similar programmes to mainstream gender.


 CAPA EEIG (managed by Particip) (Lead), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting), Particip