Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024






 Belarus, Belgium, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Venezuela


 Industry & private sector development, Macro-economic/ National policy, Monitoring & Evaluation, Trade

Study on Economic Impact of EU Sanctions

The global objective of this study is to develop a methodology for assessing the economic impact of EU sanctions and to apply that methodology to a number of selected cases to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed framework.
The specific objectives of the proposed study are to
  • provide a review and critical evaluation of the existing research related to the topic of the study;
  • develop a detailed methodology for analysing the economic impact of EU sanctions, including a description of the concrete steps, options and approaches, that can be replicated and adapted to different types of sanctions and sanctions combinations; and
  • test this methodology on a number of selected case studies to demonstrate its usefulness and highlight the related conditions, limitations and issues identified or foreseen.
The ‘economic impact of EU sanctions’ is understood as meaning the impact of EU sanctions on: (1) the economic development of third countries with listed persons and entities directly affected by EU sanctions; (2) the wider economic sectors of which those listed persons and entities by EU sanctions are part of in those third countries; (3) the listed persons and entities themselves; (4) trade patterns between the EU and third countries directly concerned; and (5) EU companies operating in or with third countries directly affected by EU sanctions.


 Particip (Lead), Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)