Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2023






 Human rights

Mid-term evaluation of the Technical Cooperation Facilities (TCFs) in Georgia

The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the first two Technical Cooperation Facilities being implemented in Georgia, paying particular attention to its intermediate results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future Interventions.
In particular, this evaluation served to assessment of planning and designing of the present interventions supporting implementation of EU-Georgia agreements, more specifically EU-Georgia Association Agreement to identify enabling factors and those hampering the design and implementation of these programmes and to deliver recommendations for planning and design of future programmes in support of EU-Georgia agreements.
The main users of this evaluation are the EU Delegation to Georgia and from the Georgian side, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.