Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024






 Civil society, Environment, Forestry, Governance, Justice/Rule of Law, Macro-economic/ National policy

Evaluation of the EU Budget Support Operations in Jamaica (2008-2021)

This evaluation had two overarching objectives. Firstly, to provide the relevant external co-operation services of the European Union (EU) and the wider public with an overall independent assessment of the EU's past and current budget support operations in Jamaica. And secondly, to identify key lessons and to produce recommendations in order to inform the responsible decision makers, notably in DG INTPA and the EEAS, on how to improve the current and future budget support operations of the EU.
In addition, the specific objectives for this evaluation were:
  • Assess the performance (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, impact,
sustainability and EU value added) of EU budget support operations (policy dialogue and financial assistance);
  • Provide recommendations for the next programming period.
The thematic scope of the evaluation covered: Reforms in Public Finance Management (PFM), Macro-economic Stability, Debt Reduction and Growth, Security Sector Reform, Justice Sector Reform, Environment and Climate Change (Forest Management), Income and Non-income Poverty Reduction. The evaluation will assess how and to what extent gender, human security, in particular for youth and women, human rights, and environment, have been mainstreamed through Budget Support operations in Jamaica.
It provided advice to EU external action actors, informed them about the result and impact of EU budget support, and contributed to improved programming, monitoring, reporting and implementation of current EU interventions in Jamaica.