Project reference


Contract duration



70 of 77 workdays


 Sierra Leone


 Elections, Governance, Monitoring & Evaluation

Mid-term evaluation of the "Support to Governance Sector in Sierra Leone" programme

The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant services of the European Union and other interested stakeholders with:
  • an overall independent assessment of the performance of the technical assistance in Sierra Leone in the areas of Civil Service Reform, Parliament and the Electoral Cycle, Technical Assistance in support of the Governance Sector in Sierra Leone in the area of Civil Registration, Programme Estimate on Civil Registration, Programme Estimate - Civil Service Reform with HRMO/PSC and Meeting Critical Infrastructure and Technology Needs in the Parliament of Sierra Leone, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions.
In particular, this evaluation served to:
  • understand the performance of the intervention and the reasons behind it in order to maximise its potential to achieve the expected results during the residual implementation time;
  • understand whether the implementation modalities of the intervention were the most appropriate in order to achieve its objectives;
  • understand whether the governance mechanism of the intervention allowed for a suitable and efficient representation of the interests of key stakeholders;
  • understand the performance of the intervention and the reasons behind it in order to inform the planning of upcoming EU interventions in the same sector.
Furthermore, the evaluation team considered whether gender equality and women’s empowerment, environment and adaptation to climate change were mainstreamed; the relevant SDGs and their interlinkages were identified; the principle of Leave No One Behind and the rights-based approach methodology were followed in the identification/formulation documents and the extent to which they were reflected in the implementation of the intervention, its governance and monitoring.
The main users of this evaluation are the EU Delegation to Sierra Leone, the National Authorising Office, the Members of the Programme Steering Committee, the Governance Advisers to the President and Chief Minister, the national authorities targeted by the programme and its interventions and the implementing partners contracted by the EU.


 EuroPlus (Lead)