Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2023






 Monitoring & Evaluation

Support to the interim evaluation of IPA II actions implemented under indirect management

The overall objective of the project of which this contract is part is to support evaluation of the achieved results for activities implemented under specific projects implemented under indirect management and to identify the weaknesses in the implementation of activities as pre-condition for the long-term success of all EU funded activities.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
  • to assess the ongoing implementation of proposed projects and determine the extent to which the objectives of the projects are being achieved;
  • to provide recommendations for more efficient implementation of forthcoming contracts under indirect management.
Results to be achieved by this contract are grouped into two result areas with pertaining results:
Result area 1: Interim evaluation of selected activities conducted, and evaluation reports prepared;
Result area: Evaluation reports presented to the key stakeholders and published.