Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022


EUR 155,736.97



Promotion of the return of Somali refugees with a community oriented reintegration approach: Consultancy for Third Party Monitoring and Evaluation in Somalia

In January 2015, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) contracted GIZ to assist the Government of Somalia with the social and economic (re-) integration of returnees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) as well as members of the host community of Kismayo in Jubaland. This project has been extended to run until 12/ 2022, under the title “Somali Reintegration Program” (SRP) with the aim of supporting returnees, IDPs and host community members of Kismayo to establish and secure sustainable livelihoods through a community-based approach of (re-)integration.
The main objective of this assignment was to provide primary data and analysis by conducting independent monitoring and evaluation of project activities to draw conclusions on outcomes, impacts and sustainability of project activities. To that end, the consultant collected data by observations, key informant interviews, and other methods he or she deems necessary to provide an accurate overview of the implementation progress in order to ensure compliance with the contractual arrangements of implementing partners.
The project was implemented in five fields of action: (1) improving the functioning of social and economic infrastructure; (2) promoting income-generating opportunities through business support, employment promotion, and the provision of employment services; (3) qualifying selected local authorities and institutions in managing the (re-)integration of returnees and IDPs; (4) providing basic psycho-social support (not to be included in the TPM) as well as (5) providing short-term services to strengthen the resilience of the population to COVID- 19.
The project followed a participatory approach: activities were closely developed, implemented and monitored through GIZ’s cooperation with target beneficiaries, governmental, international and national partners. Harmonization with other sectors including agencies and other coordination structures was imperative to ensure synergies and project success. The modes of deliveries were grant agreements with national and international NGOS, financial agreements with governmental agencies and consultancies. Less than 10 % were implemented by GIZ personnel. The main task of the GIZ personnel was the provision of capacity development of public institutions/ partners, the conceptualization of the contracts with governmental and non-governmental partners, guidance of NGOS, and mentoring.


 Particip (Lead), Dansom