Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022






 Bosnia & Herzegovina


 Governance, Institutional development, Justice/Rule of Law, Monitoring & Evaluation

Impact Assessment of the EU support in the PAR sector in BiH during 2004 - 2020 – ex-post evaluation

The main objectives of this assessment were the following:
1) The effectiveness of the EU assistance in terms of achievement of policy objectives (outcomes) and results along all PAR areas; covering (i) the extent to which the main beneficiary institutions have used/ translated the project deliverables into government actions or improved their capacities and implemented the Action Plan on PAR; (ii) impact assessment of the Technical Assistance on institutional reforms.
2) The adequacy of the EU assistance types vis-à-vis objectives of the programmes and vis-a-vis the needs that institutions had on PAR based on the objectives of the action plan on PAR where an Action Plan was available.
3) Effectiveness of the EU assistance in improving the implementation of PAR and functioning of the PAR coordination process in BiH, capacities of PARCO and PAR co-ordinators and the coordination structure at political and technical level.
4) The effectiveness of donor co-ordination in PAR sector with special focus on PAR fund.
5) Potential future support needs in ranked order, including analyse and recommendations concerning each aid modality.