Project reference


Contract duration






Final evaluation of projects MLI/021 (Développement rural et sécurité alimentaire), MLI/022 (Formation et insertion professionnelle) and MLI/023 (Décentralisation et bonne gouvernance)

The mission's main objective is to carry out a final, internal and independent evaluation of the Mali – Luxembourg program (MLI/021, MLI/022, and MLI/023). In this context, the mission should:
  • Analyze the results and specific objectives achieved at the end of the interventions compared to what had been planned in the technical and financial documents and the inception reports
  • Analyze the results achieved by the interventions in terms of capacity building (CB). The analysis will be structured around the following four point
    • RC support repository
    • Contribution of CD to results and changes
    • Contribution of CD to the process of partner empowerment
    • Level of institutionalization of CD
  • Analyze the management and monitoring of projects/programmes, paying particular attention t
    • the coordination mechanisms between the projects,on one hand, and on the other hand between the program and the counterparts (including the other contributing donors and the national counterpart);
    • the operation of the project steering structure;
  • Analyze the interventions according to the DAC evaluation criteria
  • Analyze interventions according to cross-cutting theme
    • governance for development;
    • gender equality;
    • environment and climate change.