Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022






 Dominican Republic, Palestine, Philippines, Uganda


 Humanitarian aid, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of the European Union’s humanitarian interventions in disaster preparedness (2015-2020)

The main objectives of the evaluation are to provide: i) an independent, retrospective assessment of the performance and results of the EU's contributions to disaster preparedness within its humanitarian action; and ii) strategic recommendations to support DG ECHO future actions in this field. The evaluation will generate lessons and insights to inform how DG ECHO and its partners continue to deliver effective and life-saving preparedness activities worldwide. The evaluation covers all disaster preparedness activities, both targeted preparedness and mainstreaming. Its geographical scope covers all countries in which DG ECHO carries out humanitarian interventions. In terms of temporal scope, the evaluation covers the six years from 2015-2020.
Consistent with the EC’s Better Regulation Guidelines, the evaluation will serve a dual purpose of accountability and learning:
  • Accountability: the evaluation will assess the results of EU interventions against its aims and expectations, coherence with humanitarian principles, relevance of DG ECHO interventions in targeting the most vulnerable beneficiaries, addressing gaps and contribution to DG ECHO overall mission
  • Learning: the evaluation will support DG ECHO internal learning by identifying best practices and areas for improvement, but also aims at sharing learning and knowledge within DG ECHO partners and the wider humanitarian and development sector.
Report available here:


 Particip (Lead), ICF Consulting