Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022






 Monitoring & Evaluation

Meta-evaluation of MFA's projects and programme evaluations in 2018-2020

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) commissions regularly meta-evaluations in order to synthesise the findings, explore the issues and assess the reliability of the decentralised evaluations.
The assessment included all decentralised evaluations completed in 2018-2020. The assignment consisted of three components:
  • a meta-evaluation assessing the quality of the decentralized evaluations under consideration
  • a meta-analysis assessing overal quality of development coperation and its results based on the decentralized evaluations
  • an assessment of the utility and usefulness of the decentralized evaluations.
The purpose of the meta-evaluation was to continue the series of meta-evlauations in order to see the development since the previous analysis, to learn from successes and setbacks as well as to see how the recommendations of the previous meta-evaluations have been used and how they have led to better quality of evaluations and development results.
The final evaluation report is available here:


 NIRAS (Lead), Particip