Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022






 Human rights, Monitoring & Evaluation

Update of the Libya- Gender Country Profile and a gender-responsive audit/assessment of the overall cooperation of the EU Delegation to Libya

  • The overall objective of the Libya Gender Country Profile was to provide an overall and comprehensive assessment of the gender equality situation in Libya, as well as an analysis of gender-based-violence against women at country level. It contributed to the integration of the EU rights-based approach and gender mainstreaming obligations under the GAP II and future GAP III in future and ongoing cooperation programmes.
  • The overall objective of the gender-responsive assessment/evaluation of the on-going EU funded projects in Libya was to provide corrective recommendations and element for reflections for the programming period 2021-2022.
More specifically, the Gender Country profile was to:
  • Provide an understanding of the extent of gender inequality in Libya and its causes, how it intersects with other inequalities, its impacts on human rights and Libya’s commitment and capacity to work on GEWE issues;
  • Identify key gender issues that need to be addressed, especially in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Assess possibilities for strengthening the existing Women’s Empowerment Unit under the Presidency Council with concrete proposals; this assessment of possibilities needed to include a SWOT/capacity assessment of the unit and come with a concrete proposal of what could be done (mainly in terms of training/TA);
  • Define how international cooperation can support the formulation of the country’s gender equality policies;
  • Update the 2015 GCP and provided key elements on how the EU and EU-MS support on GEWE (approach, methods, delivery and results) can be improved in the light of the 2021-2022 programming period;
  • Assess Libya’s legal, economic and political context as related to gender equality, gender discrimination against women, men and LGBT. It also identifies human rights and decent work deficits from a gender and non-discrimination perspective;
  • Facilitate the development of gender-responsive country strategy, programmes and projects;
  • Provide quantitative and qualitative information for advocacy, programming, budgeting, and decision-making purposes;
  • Be an analytical and operational document, which included suggestions for strategies, types of actions, and proposes pertinent modalities for a constant monitoring and evaluation of EU funded actions in order to address the gender gap identified through documentary review and analysis;
More specifically, the specific objectives of the gender-responsive evaluation/assessment included:
  • Analysis and evaluation of the design and planning (objectives, results pursued, activities planned), the implementation and results of an indicatively maximum of 15 projects of the full list of ongoing or recently completed projects, programme from a gender perspective;
  • Production of a set of recommendations on corrective measures and programming 2021-2022;
  • The project-based gender evaluation informs how projects managed by the EUDELLY ensure a consistent application of gender mainstreaming and gender equal.


 EuroPlus (Lead)