Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2022






 Communication & media

Technical Assistance to Support the work for the AU EU Youth Cooperation Hub

The overall objective of the contract was to support the AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub by ensuring that the sustainability of the existing partnerships and the reinforcement of the Young Experts capacities were consolidated by reinforcing the coordination and communication activities linked to the hub.
The specific objectivies
  • Facilitated the coordinate between the key actors of the HUB (Young experts, CSOs, EU Delegation and the AU Youth Division);
  • Consolidated the partnerships and identified new sources of funding;
  • Communicated the HUB’s achievements and promoted the youth inclusion in the Africa- EU partnerships;
  • Consolidated partnerships and identified new sources of funding;
  • Identified a clear strategy post 2021 in order to ensure the Hub’s sustainability.


 Particip (Lead), Phrenos