Project reference


Contract duration

 2021 - 2022


(USD 175,795)




 Agriculture, Education, Food and nutrition, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of WFP's Interim Country Strategic Plan in Algeria (2019-2022)

This independent evaluation of WFP Interim Country Strategic Plan (CSP) in Algeria (2019-2022) assessed the strategic positioning, added value, and results of WFP’s operations in the country.
The evaluation served the double purpose of accountability (performance and results assessment) and learning (why certain results occurred or not, lessons and evidence for decision-making about a potential scale-up). It aimed at informing the design of the next CSP for Algeria.
WFP's operations in Algeria were implemented in the Sahrawi Refugee camps near Tindouf. Main activities included: general food assistance distribution, school feeding, social behavioural change communication, and livelihood activities.
The evaluation team conducted interviews with different stakeholders including WFP staff, WFP cooperation partners, Sahrawi authorities, as well as focus group discussions with beneficiaries.
The final evaluation report is available at: