Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021




 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan


 Civil society, Education, Energy, Environment, Human rights, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation on Development Cooperation carried out by the Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Including The Wider Europe Initiative (WEI)

The overall purpose of the evaluation was to inform the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Finland (MFA) on the achievements of its development policy and cooperation in the region over the past decade, and to support the MFA in deciding how to best achieve its policy objectives and to enhance its management of the programme in the region at strategic level. Main sectors of cooperation in the region are i) Government and Civil Society, ii) Energy, iii) Education and iv) Environment Protection. The evaluation was mostly forward-looking but also included summative analysis to respond to the evaluation questions.
Objectives: The objectives of the evaluation were to produce evidence and present well justified conclusions on the following:
1. To assess the impact(s), if any, of Finland’s development cooperation carried out in the region by the Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia;
2. To assess the scope of the impact(s) and their relative significance to development in the area;
3. To assess the levels of sustainability of the achieved results and impact;
4. To assess the results achieved by, and management of, the current country strategies;
5. To analyse the reasons explaining success and/or failure in performance and in reaching a lasting impact, including the operational context, human aspects and resources; and
6. To provide recommendations that serve the Ministry in developing its strategic planning, management and response in the region as well as drawing the broader lessons on how to increase impact and sustainability, in advancement of Finland’s development policy objectives.
Final report available here:


 Particip (Lead), NIRAS