Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2022




 Central African Republic



Technical Assistance to support the electoral process in the Central African Republic

The overall objective of the project of which this contract is a part is to foster a credible, inclusive and transparent electoral process in the Central African Republic.
This contract has the following specific objectives:
  • the electoral framework in CAR is comprehensive and coherent;
  • the organization of the presidential, legislative and local elections 2020/2021 is done by ANE in compliance with the legal framework ;
  • The communication of the ANE (National Authority of Elections) with the actors of the electoral process is objective, factual and precise;
  • ANE is strengthened in the work that it will be called upon to build in the post-election period, which may include evaluations, the perpetuation of achievements, and the preparation of electoral reform projects.
The mission will contribute to the adoption of effective solutions, the choice of measures aimed at sustainability, and the strengthening of beneficiaries' capacities by focusing as much as possible on the transfer of skills.