Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021






 Governance, Rural and urban development

Study on the monopoly position of global and regional Associations of Local Authorities

The specific objective was to demonstrate which global and regional Associations of Local
Authorities hold a de facto or de jure monopoly on the basis of which DG DEVCO will be able to
sign the second generation of Framework Partnerships Agreements for the period of 2021-2027.
In the realm of this assignment, regional and global Associations of Local Authorities have to be
understood as membership-based umbrella organisations centered around representativeness
operating at sub-national, national, sub-continental, continental and international level. In
particular, for the purpose of this study, ALAs were:
  •  actor-based: “Actor-based” umbrella organisations are understood as structures that
gather the family of actors, in this case Local Authorities and their Associations,
excluding other types of actors; and
  •  non-thematic: Non-thematic organisations focus on general development issues such as ,
inter alia, development effectiveness, capacity building of development actors, creation
of an enabling environment for LAs. Non-thematic organisations can be understood as
opposed to organisations that focus on particular policy domains and thematic fields
such as, inter alia, climate change, education, health, migration.


 EuroPlus (Lead)