Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2021




 Congo (Kinshasa)



Support of the DRC in the Process of Negotiations Under The Framework Convention Of The United Nations On Climate Change

The general objective of the project of which this market is part is to contribute to an active role of the DRC in the processes of negotiation, development of policies and the implementation of commitments within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The specific objectives of this contract are as follows:
In relation to the UNFCCC:
- Support the DRC team of negotiators involved in the UNFCCC negotiation processes
- Follow the negotiations of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, namely, the "concerted steps to raise the level of ambition''
- Promote long-term climate action in the DRC by supporting the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development in its reflection for the transformation of the commitments of the national determined contribution (CDN) of the DRC into actions of mitigation and adaptation and their integration into national planning.
- Identify possible synergies and establish partnerships with existing initiatives for the mobilization of resources and the sharing of experiences necessary for the rapid and effective deployment of the NDC.
Compared to CBD:
- Actively follow the negotiations for the preparation of the post-2020 Global Framework for Biodiversity, scheduled for COP-15, in coordination with the African Group, the CBD Secretariat, the European Union and others stakeholders.
- Support the contribution of the DRC and African states to the Post-2020 Global Framework Working Group and to the COP-15, based on the strategy agreed with the main stakeholders.
- Contribute to a stronger involvement of national stakeholders (civil society, indigenous peoples, private sector, etc.) in the implementation of the commitments and instruments proposed by the two conventions, at the national, regional and continental levels.
- Work for a better synergy in the commitments between these two multilateral conventions, as well as vis-à-vis the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (in particular goals 13, 14 and 15).


 Particip (Lead), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)