Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2023




 Papua New Guinea



TA-9807 PNG: Preparing the Improved Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Employment

This Transaction Technical Assistance (TRTA) is provided to assist the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) to
  • Design and prepare a project that will address key TVET challenges able to respond to labour market needs,
  • Assess the technical suitability, economic, financial and social viability, capacity and institutional issues, gender issues and proposed actions, address environmental and social safeguards of the project; and
  • Identify and implement selected measures to improve project implementation capacity of DHERST and other relevant government agencies.
The TA designs, undertakes due diligence and prepares project documentation for the future TVET project. The TA also assists in building the capacity of the government during their assignment, including implementing project management trainings and coaching as required.