Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2023


Contracted Value: 875.126€ Implemented Value at project end as per Contract Certificate: 814.185,46€




 Governance, Macro-economic/ National policy, Management, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Public finance/budgeting

Long-term Technical Assistance to Uganda MoFPED/NAO

The global objective of this Technical Assistance was to support the Government of Uganda, namely the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED), in streamlining and strengthening existing capacities and coordination mechanisms with the Local Development Partners Group (LDPG) in terms of planning, budgeting, overseeing, coordination, monitoring, and implementation and performance evaluation.
The specific objective of this project was to assist the MoFPED, specifically the Directorate of Debt and Cash Policy (DARC) and the Accountant General office (Directorate of Treasury Services and Assets Management - TSD) in its overall coordination and overseeing of external aid.
Long Term Technical Assistance was being provided to achieve the following expected results:
1) MoFPED (DARC and TSD) are enabled to closely monitor and supervise the implementation and financial performance EU and other donors funded projects/programmes.
2) Dialogue between DPs and MoFPED on ODA is strengthened
3) GoU is enabled to benefit from the opportunities offered at global and regional level and to be systematically involved in regional integration initiatives, including COMESA, IGAD, EAC, etc.
4) MoFPED contributes successfully to the achievement of the objectives of the Partnership Coordination Programme