Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2024






 Communication & media

Information, Communication, and Visibility activities for the EU Delegation in Zambia

The objective was to enhance the visibility of the EU in Zambia and improve the awareness of the EU-Zambia partnership in all its dimensions (political, trade and economic, development and other major policy areas of common interest) with the Government of Zambia, NGOs, business community, academia, media, and the people of Zambia, through increased information, communication and visibility activities.
The specific objective of this contract was to support the EUD in the implementation of ICV activities and events, including the dissemination of informational and promotional material to enhance the visibility of the European Union and to increase awareness about the EU-Zambia partnership.
In order to attain the overall objective and purpose of the contract, we achieved the following results:
  • Result 1: EUD disposes of a series of print, broadcast and digital media products to be shared with relevant stakeholders;
  • Result 2: Enhanced knowledge of the target groups about the dimension and benefits of the EU partnership with Zambia;
  • Result3: Developed capacity of staff involved in EU funded programmes/projects in terms of communication and visibility.