Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2022


Contract value: 911.060 USD


 Congo (Kinshasa), Lebanon, Niger, Syria


 Education, Food and nutrition, Humanitarian aid, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation Series on Emergency School Feeding in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lebanon, Niger and Syria (2015-2019)

The evaluation series was commissioned by the WFP School-based Programmes Unit in Rome and covered WFP emergency school feeding (ESF) programmes during 2015-2019. It encompassed four country-specific evaluations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (focus on North Kivu region), Lebanon, Niger (focus on Diffa region) and Syria, as well as a global synthesis report. It covers the period 2015-2019.
The evaluation was financed from a multi-year Canadian contribution to WFP that also covered the costs of the ESF activities in the last years of the evaluation period. In 2018, these activities had reached nearly 1 million children in Syria and 17,000-71,000 children in each of the other three countries.

The findings of the evaluation series were meant to strengthen the global evidence base on ESF with specific guidance on school feeding in crisis and humanitarian settings. The findings will be used by Country offices to design future ESF activities.
All evaluations in this series used a mixed-method, theory-driven approach based on a set of reconstructed, country-specific Theories of Change. The country evaluation reports were based on document reviews, key informant interviews, focus groups discussions, and large-scale field surveys of schools, children, and households. The synthesis report was based on the four country reports of the evaluation series, a literature review, an online survey among WFP offices, and key informant interviews.
The country evaluation reports are available at:


 Particip (Lead), AUB Beirut, LASDEL, Marakuja, Venture