Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2023


Total implemented by consortium €2.046.048,22



Technical Assistance to the EU Cooperation Support Facility II (CSF II) Programme

The overall objective is to promote inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development of Timor-Leste. The purpose is to increase the effectiveness of National Authorizing Office (NAO) services in delivering the EU - Timor-Leste development cooperation.
The results to be achieved are as follows:
  • Result 1: Improved capacity of the NAO office to oversee programming, identification and evaluation of programme and projects.
  • Result 2: Improved capacity for programme implementation of line Ministries and other stakeholders in focal sectors in line with EU policies and strategies.
  • Result 3: Increased visibility of the EU - Timor-Leste cooperation and greater awareness on EU and its Member States’ fundamental values, history and culture.


 CESO CI (Lead), Particip, Quarein