Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2024






 Communication & media, Governance, Institutional development, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Training

Support for the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Phase II

This project aims to:
  • facilitate the process on EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (AA) implementation, notably by creating flexible on-demand based instrument for addressing key elements of the AA implementation and legal approximation processes such as high-professional advisory to key stakeholders, high-quality legal translations, accurate legal drafting/compliance checks,efficient communication of the EUI/AA reforms at national and regional level and improving the professional legal and translation training in higher education institutions; and
  • ensure support to the EUI/AA reforms on both national and regional level by means of efficient communication of government authorities of central and regional levels with their target audiences.


 CPM (Lead), GOPA PACE (ex B&S Europe SA), Particip