Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2025




 Sub-Saharan Africa & Indian Ocean


 Monitoring & Evaluation

Results Oriented Monitoring system (ROM) for external aid interventions financed by the European Union and the EDF - Lot 2 - ROM for Sub-Saharan Africa financed by the 11th EDF

Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews aim to assist the European Commission’s services and EU Delegations in monitoring of and reporting on EU financed development and cooperation projects and programmes in third countries through independent reviews of the progress of their implementation and the achievement of project results.
ROM services to be provided through this contract are clustered in three components:
Component 1:
ROM Reviews. ROM contractors will assess the performance of EU-funded interventionson the basis of the following OECD DAC evaluation criteria: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.
ROM reviews will cover:
  • A sample of EU funded interventions during the inception phase of implementation. The ROM review will support the Operational Manager (OM) in confirming or updating intervention logic and logframe matrix, in reviewing the monitoring system of the IP, in assessing risks and mitigation measures and fine tune the calendar of activities with a view to improve the performance of the intervention across the OECD DAC criteria.==
  • ROM reviews will assist the OM in adressing the main implementation problems.==
  • Other interventions for which Commission services request a ROM review on demand (interventions which could not be visited by EU OMs or for which there is a lack of sector expertise in the EU Delegation/operational unit in HQ).==
  • Blending operations, focused on asessing the value added of the EU contribution and on the performance of blending interventions in terms of socio-economic development.==
Component 2:
Quality assurance and support at design stage for a sample of interventions. Provide technical support to EC services in the formulation of intervention logics and related logical frameworks matrices (logframes) and monitoring and reporting arrangements for a sample of interventions.
Component 3:
Results report (at corporate and intervention level). The Contractor will provide services to encode and quality control results data for a set of interventions subject to results reporting. ROM contractor will ensure quality control of data included in the intervention's logframes. Such quality controls will include, amongs others: verifying that the logframe is correctly encoded and up-to-date , enssuring that the latest values related to logframe indicators are available, and supporting the aggregation of intervention-level results into the EU Results Framework or other frameworks.


 Particip (Lead), GOPA, Integration