Project reference


Contract duration

 2020 - 2023







Development of Management Plans for Natura 2000 Network and Protected Areas - Group 2

The purpose of this project was to provide effective management of areas of the ecological network, with the aim of contributing to a favorable state of preservation of endangered and rare species and habitat types at a biogeographical level through the development of management plans.
Group 2 consisted of the development of 37 management plans, which set out the goals and activities required for the conservation and management of the selected ecological network areas, enabling monitoring of the implementation of these activities and evaluation of their effectiveness.
The project consisted of 4 components:
  • Component 1: Development of final drafts of the management plans
  • Component 2: Engagement of Planning Assistants
  • Component 3: Organisation of workshops
  • Component 4: Engagement of Experts in Ecology of Species and Habitats


 Particip (Lead)