Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2024






 Institutional development, Monitoring & Evaluation, PCM / Logframe, Training

Capacity development on monitoring and evaluation for enlargement and neighborhood regions (PROMEL)

The overall objective of the intervention is to support DG NEAR to strengthen the linkages between the planning/programming, monitoring and evaluation of EU support (policy dialogue and financial assistance) in the context of the neighbourhood and enlargement policies.
The three purposes of this contract are as follows:
  • to provide methodological support to DG NEAR staff and implementing partners for the design of strategic documents (e.g. indicative strategy papers, single support frameworks, sector planning documents), and of programming documents e.g. action documents, annual action programmes) in particular the elaboration of context analysis, definition of problems, the elaboration of intervention logic diagrams, and the definition of relevant indicators;
  • to provide methodological support to DG NEAR staff and implementing partners for the design of monitoring and evaluation systems/arrangements at sector/policy/action levels and the implementation of the monitoring activities and evaluations of EU support;
  • to promote a monitoring, evaluation and learning culture within the DG and in the partner countries/beneficiaries.


 Particip (Lead), Atelier Real, Integration