Project reference


Contract duration







 Humanitarian aid, Institutional development, Training

Support to the preparation of the twinning fiche for the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus is aware that an indicator of the efficiency of all services and units can only be the well-being of citizens of Belarus. For citizens to feel safe, the rescuer should be professional and show a high level of professionalism, both in emergencies and in everyday life, providing work to prevent accidents, fires and other disasters.
Therefore, the global objective was to support the EU Delegation to Belarus and the Government of Belarus in the preparation of documents needed for launching a twinning project with the Ministry of Emergency Situations to be financed under the European Neighbourhood Instrument. The purpose of this project was to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to effectively address
existing and emerging disaster risks in Belarus.
The specific objective of this contract was to draft a twinning fiche to improve civil protection and disaster risk management services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus by applying best practices from the EU Member States in implementation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.