Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2023




 Burkina Faso


 Civil society, Human rights, Infrastructure, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

"Fund to Combat Trafficking and Other Worst Forms of Child Labour" (Children and Youth Fund, Phase VI)

Trafficking and the worst forms of child labour are a phenomenon that affects the entire West African sub-region, including Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Togo, Mali and Nigeria. Burkina Faso is recognized as a supplier, transit and receiving country for children. In addition, the Burkinabe authorities estimate that half of Burkinabe children work in households, in agriculture - particularly on cotton fields and fruit and vegetable plantations - and in gold mines. The proportion of children aged between 8 and 18 living apart from their parents due to their work is estimated at about 5%. Reliable data on child labour and child trafficking are not available as there are methodological challenges in collecting data on this sensitive subject. With the ongoing development of a national child protection strategy for the period 2018-2027, the country aims to build on the achievements while addressing the weaknesses of the protection system identified in the 2008-2017 COSP mid-term evaluation and confirmed by the mapping report in 2014. This strategy also aims to operationalize the system approach desired by all, in the design, implementation and evaluation of policies, programmes and actions for children.
The "Children and Youth Fund" project is part of the national strategic framework for the protection and promotion of children's rights and the fight against trafficking and the worst forms of child labour. The objectives and areas of intervention of the Project are integrated into the priority actions of the National Action Plans.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the consolidation of human capital and the promotion of social protection.
The specific objective of the project is to strengthen the legal, institutional, socio-economic and cultural environment conducive to the promotion and protection of the rights of the child.
The results expected are as follows:
  • Social infrastructure for children and young people, especially vulnerable children and youth, is set up and equipped;
  • premises for communal social services are built and furnished;
  • School canteens are supported with food for students' meals;
  • and scholarships for studies and vocational training are awarded to vulnerable children and young people


 Particip (Lead), Initiatives Conseil International (ICI)