Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2018




 Asia, Europe, SADC region



Elaboration of a document on “Elements for an EU strategic approach on Water in Development cooperation”, and follow-up of the NEXUS’s programme implementation

The global objective of the assignment is twofold:
1. To provide necessary inputs and support for the elaboration of a document on “Elements for a strategic EU approach on Water and development” (the Document), to be used as an operational instrument for forthcoming actions in the sector.
2. To provide policy support to the Nexus Dialogues project on behalf of DG DEVCO; being the overall objective of the Nexus Dialogues project to support the institutional transformation required to meet increasing water, energy and food security (including land) demand (without further environment degradation), through the development of a truly integrated nexus approach.
The specific objectives of this project are:
For the document on EU approach on Water and Development:
  • Assist DEVCO HQ in collecting information on existing sector strategies and priorities from EU member states (MSs), International Finance Institutions (IFIs), International Organisations (IOs), Partner
Countries, Non state actors (NSAs), and the Private sector;
  • Participate to the ad-hoc events and meetings for the preparation and elaboration of the document, taking stock of past experiences and existing financial and policy instruments (i.e. European External Investment Plan, New Consensus for Development, Agenda 2030, SDG 6, etc.);
  • Take into consideration in the drafting the EU approach on Water Development, but not limited to, the following concepts related to global considerations on water and development:
  • Considering protection and sustainable use of surface and groundwater resources, conventional and non-conventional resources, including transboundary basins;
  • Meeting environmental and water quality objectives, including sanitation, pollution prevention and de-pollution;
  • Tackling climate change impacts and increasing climate and disaster-resilience;
  • Tackling migration challenges, amongst and inside countries;
  • Ensuring access to safe drinking water as a fundamental human right, particularly for the most vulnerable;
  • Promoting transboundary water cooperation for optimal and sustainable water resources development and management at the basin scale and as an instruments to tackle conflicts;
  • Promoting sustainable economic and social development with the potential for significant employment benefits;
  • Continuing the promotion of gender mainstreaming, focussing on youth, transparency and improved accountability in the water sector;
  • Gathering of reliable data and information, research and innovation and technology transfer, education and awareness as well as capacity building and knowledge management;
  • Promoting sustainable financing, investments and operational partnerships with the private sector.
For the Nexus component:
  • Support DEVCO HQ, EU Delegations, and the implementing partners in the implementation of the Nexus Dialogues project as appropriate;
  • Foster and enhance a nexus process leading to coherent nexus frameworks and built on endorsed ministerial agreements and endorsed action plans, in particular in the following regions: SADC and Central Asia;
  • Support the identification and preparation of a list of "Nexus" investment priority projects in the different target regions;
  • Participate in Executive Committees, Steering Committees and Regional Dialogues of the Nexus Dialogues Projects in the three regions as appropriate.


 Particip (Lead), PEM GmbH