Project reference


Contract duration

 2019 - 2023






 Communication & media, Governance, Institutional development, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Training

Technical assistance support for public administration reforms in Georgia

The purposes of this contract are as follows:
  • 1. Policy development and coordination: to improve results-based approach in policy-development, coordination and implementation following the results of SIGMA baseline assessment in 2018;
  • 2. Coordination and structuration of public administration: to improve efficiency of the administration by improved intra and inter-ministerial business processes related to policy making and service delivery;
  • 3. Civil service reform: to streamline the implementation of the civil service reform in public institutions ;
  • 4. Accountability: to increase the accessibility, accountability and transparency of the executive branch and to combat corruption by strengthened policy development and implementation of the anti-corruption and transparency national policies at all levels;
  • 5. Public service delivery: to improve public service design and delivery and establish an efficient, accountable and transparent institutional and legal framework for efficiently, timely and reliably delivered public services (including electronic services);
  • 6. Communication: to raise public awareness and increase visibility of the Government’s public administration reform agenda as well as on available public services.


 GINGER Group (ex SOFRECO) (Lead), KAS, Particip