Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement








Assistance à l'achèvement de la formulation d'un programme de gestion transfrontalière de l'eau dans l'Okavango

The overall objective of the project is to ensure the equitable utilisation, shared benefits and mitigation of common risks of transboundary waters in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin by providing support to implement the endorsed OKACOM Strategic Action Programme.
The specific objective is to finalise Action Fiche for this programme, to be financed from EDF 11 and to be presented to EU Headquarters within the Annual Action Plan (AAP) 2017. In this regard, the Formulation Mission will complete the programme design, in particular regarding the following aspects:
  • Alignment with the OKACOM Five Year Plan and the GEF funded/UNDP programme "Support to the Implementation of Cubango-Okavango River Basin Strategic Action Plan", taking into account the uncertainty regarding its starting date, as well as with other programmes funded by other International Cooperation Partners (ICPs);
  • Revise the Project Proposal in line with the outcomes of the EU Internal review process and input from Okavango Basin Steering Committee (OBSC) and OKACOM Secretariat;
  • Define the most adequate implementation modality taking into account the capacity of the OKACOM Secretariat;
  • Advice on the most adequate implementation partner, taking into account the experience of each potential partner on River Basin Management and their previous work with the Okavango Basin. The final formulated programme should take full account of the assistance/project provided by this partner in terms of both content and staff composition;
  • Ensure that the designed programme contributes to ensuring full inclusive participation of all the stakeholders in the decision-making process, including the most marginalised groups. In order to inform this process the final logframe must contain disaggregated data.


 Particip (Lead), PEM GmbH